The Ultimate Guide To Tree Trimming in Madison, Wisconsin
Anton Cagle
Oct 14
8 min read
The Ultimate Guide To Tree Trimming in Madison, Wisconsin

There are several things you should keep in mind when considering whether or not to trim your trees, such as when to trim them and how to do it. This guide will walk you through the process.
Tree Trimming VS Tree Pruning?
In many ways, the two terms overlap and sometimes people use the words interchangeably. However, they are two different things. Tree trimming is a general term that refers to removing overgrown, dead, or unwanted branches in an effort to improve the appearance of a tree. Pruning is a more specific technique that promotes the health and growth of a tree.
What Kinds of Trees Can be Trimmed in Wisconsin?
Almost every type of tree can be trimmed, but some trees are more sensitive than others. Here is a guide to help you:
Conifers: Some species like spruce or pine are more sensitive to trimming than other tree species.
Fruit Trees: While it’s fine to trim or prune many fruit trees, be extra careful with cherry and plum trees.
Rare trees: If a tree is ornamental or has special characteristics, it might be best to leave them unchanged.
When sensitive trees are trimmed or pruned the wrong way, it can leave a tree vulnerable to pests and insects or diseases. It can also lead to undue stress which can cause it to decline in health.
What Are the Benefits of Tree Trimming?
Trimming your trees can help them to be stronger, healthier, and more aesthetically appealing. This is because Removing weak tree branches can free up nutrients and space for the tree, allowing it to focus on growing. Pruning can also make trees more resistant to disease and weather. Here is a full list of reasons why it’s good a idea to trim or prune your trees:
Enhances curb appeal
Keeps trees strong
Prevents disease
Keeps your yard safer
It can be more cost effective
Helps young trees to develop a good shape
Keeps critters and unwanted pests away
Extends the life of the tree
How Do I Assess My Tree’s Health?
It can sometimes be difficult to figure out if your tree is healthy or unhealthy. Fortunately, there are some tell-tale signs to look out for that can give you a clue as to what you are up against. Here is what you need to do:
Examine the leaves and needles
Look at the branches, bark, and trunk
Survey the area around the tree
If the leaves or needles on a tree look dry or discolored, it could be a sign of poor tree health. This is especially true in the summer months. If a tree’s branches are damaged, insect infested, or brittle, they will definitely need a trim.
Also, keep on the lookout for any fungus growing on the trunk. Fungi can break down a tree’s structure and make it more likely to fall. It can also attack a tree’s leaves which prevent the tree from taking in valuable nutrients. Peeling bark can also be a sign that a tree is sick or dying.
Survey the area around the trunk to see if there are suckers or water sprouts coming up from the ground. If these aren’t removed, they can steal nutrients from the tree and weaken the wood.
If you are still unsure about your tree’s health, it may be time to call in a professional. Tree removal companies are able to provide a detailed inspection of all of the trees in your yard and will know how to best help the problematic trees.
When Should I Not Trim My Trees?
Just as it’s important to know when you should trim or prune your trees, it’s also important to know to NOT trim your trees. If you trim your trees at a poor time, it can further damage or cause you harm.
Don't trim your trees in these situations:
Your Tree is newly planted: Newly planted trees need time to establish their root systems, so it's generally best to wait at least a year before pruning them.
Extreme weather conditions: You should avoid trimming during periods of extreme heat or cold, as well as during strong winds or storms. These conditions can make the process more dangerous and stressful for the tree.
Your tree producing fruit or flowers: If you trim a tree while it’s flowering or bearing fruit, it could reduce the tree's ability to produce blooms or fruit.
Your tree is too stressed: If the tree is already stressed due to factors like disease, drought, or damage, it's best to postpone trimming until the tree has recovered to avoid further weakening it.
Your tree is in a dangerous location: If the tree is touching a powerline, it should NOT be trimmed or pruned. If you attempt this, you could get electrocuted. Even just touching a branch that touches a powerline can cause a fatal injury. Only a certified tree trimmer who is trained in utility clearance should work near power lines.
How Often Should I Trim My Trees?
The frequency of tree trimming depends on the tree species, growth rate, and desired shape. As a general rule, it's good to inspect trees annually and trim as needed to remove dead, damaged, or overgrown branches. Some fast-growing species may require more frequent trimming, while others may need less attention. In most cases, you should trim your trees every 3-5 years.
What Time of Year is Best for Tree Trimming and Pruning in Madison, Wisconsin?
The best time to trim your trees is when they are dormant. This usually happens in the winter when their leaves fall and the trees stop growing. This can occur November through March. If it’s needed, it’s okay to perform light pruning in the summer months, but if anything more extensive is needed, you should wait or consult an expert.
How Do I Handle Overgrown Branches?
Any overgrown branches should be trimmed promptly. You will be able to tell if a branch is overgrown if you can’t see through the branches, if they are v-shaped, or, if they are protruding past the natural outline of the tree.
Why should I trim overgrown branches?
Loss of nutrients: If overgrown branches are neglected, they can sap a tree’s resources - making it weakened or sick.
Loss of sunlight: Overgrown branches can deprive the tree of sunlight and airflow, leading to poor growth and increased susceptibility to diseases and pests.
What Tools Do I Need to Trim My Trees?
If you feel confident your tree needs trimming, you can also take matters into your own hands. Even though can get the job done with a variety of tools, here are some of the best ones for the job:
Hand pruners: These are best to use when you want to take care of small twigs and branches that are 1 inch or less in diameter.
Lopper. If the branch you need to remove is 2 inches in diameter, you should upgrade to a lopper.
Pruning saw. Pruning saws work well to tackle branches that are 3-4 inches in diameters.
Rope saw. For thicker branches that are 5 inches or more in diameter, a rope saw is recommended.
What Safety Gear Do I Need To Trim My Trees?
Tree trimming can be dangerous, so if you are planning on trimming a tree yourself, you will need to take precautions. This includes having the right safety equipment on hand. These include:
Long-sleeved shirts
Long pants
Durable boots
What are some Tree Trimming Techniques?
After you have all of the equipment you need, you will have to learn where and how to make the cuts. Each cut you make will either help the tree or hurt the tree. Poor pruning can cause permanent damage and decrease the overall lifespan of the tree. For these reasons, it’s essential you trim with a purpose in mind. Here are some pointers to help you get started:
Small cuts usually create less damage than big cuts.
Make cuts outside the branch collar to avoid trunk damage
Remove overlapping, crossing limbs
Cut limbs that extend outside of the crown (canopy).
Remove sharp, vertical-growing branches
Avoid sub cuts, or cutting too far from the trunk
For thicker branches, you will want to start with an undercut that is at least ⅓ of the branch's diameter. Then, create a second cut above the branch. The final cut should be closer to the trunk of the tree and will remove the branch. Be sure to cut on an angle when finishing, so the branch’s collar isn’t damaged.
What Are Some Common Tree Trimming Issues?
When you start the process of trimming a tree, multiple problems can arise. Most of these issues can be prevented by educating yourself beforehand and knowing what not to do before you start. Here are some common tree trimming problems people run into:
Cutting off the top of the tree
Making bad cuts
Trimming the wrong branches
Cutting too many low branches
Trim your tree slowly. Start with small branches that are clearly problematic. With tree trimming, less is more, and if you trim too much, it can cause permanent damage to the tree. By making small cuts and focusing on only a few branches at a time, you are giving the tree time to heal itself. If there are too many cuts, or if the cuts are too large, it can overwhelm the tree and ultimately cause disease or death.
When tree trimming, consider the natural shape of the crown. This includes avoiding tree topping. This is where you cut off the top of a tree. Not only can this cause stress and decay, it can also lead to sunscald. Sunscald happens when tree limbs are exposed to too much sunlight and heat. These things can damage or kill a tree’s tissue. It can also make a tree more susceptible to insects and fungi.
Make sure you aren’t cutting too many low branches. This is also known as lion tailing. Lion tailing can slow down a tree’s growth, reduce a tree’s foliage, cause interior sprouting, and create instability. When a tree loses too many low branches, it can trigger stress response leaves along the branches and trunk. This process can in turn deplete a tree’s energy reserves.
What is The Environmental Impact of Tree Trimming?
Responsible tree trimming will lead to healthy trees. This in turn can benefit wildlife habitats, air quality, and ecosystem stability.
Irresponsible tree trimming can cause harm in several ways:
Habitat disruption: Overzealous tree trimming can disrupt wildlife habitats and nesting sites for birds.
Soil erosion: If you remove too many branches, or cut too close to the trunk, this can expose the surrounding soil to erosion. If this happens, it could impact nearby crop yields, and hurt the water quality in the soil.
Carbon storage: Excessive trimming can also reduce a tree’s ability to take in carbon dioxide.
Loss of ecosystem services: Improper trimming can diminish shade, air purification, and temperature regulation - three things that are vital to a healthy environment.
What are Madison's Local Regulations Concerning Tree Trimming?
Before you start trimming your trees, you should check your city or town’s regulations. In Madison, Wisconsin, you are not required to prune trees on your land in most cases. If you want to trim them anyway, you are allowed to do so as long as it’s within your property’s boundaries. Similarly, if a tree in your neighbor’s yard is growing into your yard, you are allowed to trim that tree up to the property line. However, you are not allowed to damage or destroy the tree if the trunk is whole in their yard.
Are There Legal Considerations for Tree Trimming in Madison, Wisconsin?
There are some instances when it could cause you financial and legal harm to not trim your trees. When a tree falls on its own or during a storm, it is considered an ‘Act of God’. This means the person whose yard the tree fell in will be responsible for its removal and any damage it may have caused. However, if the landowner who own the tree did something to make that tree fall, they will be held liable. If this same landowner failed to properly maintain their tree and it causes damage, then they can be penalized.
When Should I Hire A Tree Trimming Professional in Madison, Wisconsin?
While some trimming can be done by homeowners, complex or large-scale trimming should be done by professionals. This will remove the guesswork on whether you should or shouldn’t trim a tree. These workers can safely and efficiently tackle any tree you are concerned about on your property. If you are in need of professional help, you can reach out to Extreme Tree Service, LLC. We are a licensed company that offer workers compensation to protect our professional tree experts right here in Madison, Wisconsin.